Thursday, November 1, 2007

College Prices Pose a Scare

I read an article about the prices of college called College Costs Outpace Inflation Rates. As you can probably guess, the acticle was abou tthe rising costs of college not matching that of inflation, which is the way prices go up and down with the ecomony. It says that the prices of college are rising more and more every year. I think that this is a little bit ridiculous. It's nearly inpossible for most kids to get a good job without college, but they make it harder and harder to get in.
I student assist for the post-grad center here at Arapahoe, so I hear statistics about these prices daily. Another hurdle colleges are making students jump over now is grades. It seems to me that they make it more difficult to attain the future you want. I don't understand why they do this. I don't see how some of these things are benificial. If anything, I see them scaring away kids. I know kids with awesome grades, that are refusing to look at certain collages almost completely becuase of the prices, even with scholarships. I want to know more about this topic, and how kids deal with this. I know that many kids who want to go to college do not come from waelthy families. I don't come from one either so this topic is extremely close to home. I worry constaly about how my future will turn out. It scares me to death thinking that I might not be able to have the life I want to have becuase of these issues.


Anonymous said...

ya having the prices of colege go up really worries me. I mean if i cant pay for college, what am i going to do with my life. i mean were getting all prepared for it and all and what if we can't even afford it. Less people would go to college and the statistics for college graduates would go down quickly. if i can't get a scholarship than i don't know what i would do.

Genna B. said...

College is huge, and it's so easy to make mistakes with the loans people take. It's amazing how early kids think about college, and how much pressure goes along with it.

Pye said...

this kind of stuff scares the crap out of me. I agree with bryan, if i dont get a scholarship and some massive loans i have no idea how im gonna get through college